National Red List team – Nepal


Country/Region: Nepal

Organisation: Zoological Society of London / National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC)/Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC)

Positions: (L-R) Saroj Uphadyay (project assistant), Dipesh Joshi (project assistant), Hem Baral (project manager) and Sam Lee (project assistant)

Languages: English/Nepali

The National Red List team in Nepal are responsible for creating the National Biodiversity Databank: collecting all available information on the mammal species of Nepal. Regional and national specialists will gather in March 2010 to conduct species conservation assessments and discuss conservation action plans and priorities. If you have any information or data you would like to share with the team, please contact them on the details below.

Sam Lee from ZSL is also writing a blog, detailing the Red Listing process. To follow Sams progress, see her blog page:

Sams National Red List of Nepal blog

Contact details:
[email protected]
NTNC Central Zoo
P.O box: 3712

Related links:

National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC)
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC)