Before setting off for Nepal I ensured that I had done as much species information searches as possible, scanned and printed relevant sources, had my species list, had my assessment training and had my plane ticket.
The next thing was to meet the rest of the team in Nepal. The Nepal team consists of myself, Dr Hem Baral, Dipesh Joshi and Saroj Uphadyay. We also have a project steering group that includes members of the Government of Nepal Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, National Trust for Nature Conservation and WWF.
Currently we are undertaking the main task of species reports, compiling all the collected information and inputting it into our database. The species information search continues and we are also establishing a list of species specialists and field staff within Nepal.
Sam Lee is a Project Assistant on Nepal’s National Biodiversity Databank and Red List of Mammals. She will be blogging regularly on the process, providing insights into the details of producing a National Red List.