Country/Region: Poland
Organisation: Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
Position: Assistant Professor
Languages: English, Russian, Polish
Wojtek studies different aspects of biological invasions and bird population ecology. He was an editor on the Carpathian List of Endangered Species.
Relevant publications:
Zajac T., Bielanski W., Solarz W. 2008. On the song resumption, polyterritorial behaviour and their population context in sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. Journal for Ornithology: 149: 49–57.
Zajac T., Bielanski W., Solarz W. 2008. Site-dependent population dynamics: the influence of spatial habitat heterogeneity on individual fitness in the sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. Journal of Avian Biology. 39: 206-214.
Hulme PE, Bacher S, Kenis M, Klotz, S, Kühn I, Minchin D, Nentwig W, Olenin S, Panov V, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Roques A, Sol D, Solarz W, Vilà, M. 2008. Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policy. Journal of Applied Ecology. 45: 403–414.
Kark S., Solarz W., Chiron F., Clergeau P. Shirley S. 2008. Alien birds, amphibians and reptiles in Europe. w: Nentwig W. The Handbook of Alien Species in Europe. Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Kosior A., Celary W., Olejniczak P., Fijal J., Król W., Solarz W., Plonka P. 2007. The decline of the bumble bees and cuckoo bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini) of Western and Central Europe. Oryx. 41:79-88.
Zajac T., Solarz W., Bielanski W., 2006. Adaptive settlement in sedge warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus – focus on the scale of individuals, Acta Oecologica: 29: 123-134.
Zajac T., Solarz W. 2004. Low incidence of polygyny in a long term study of the sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus in natural wetlands (the Nida river valley, S-Poland), Acta Ornith. 39 (1): 47-50.
Król W., Solarz W., Zajac T. 2002. Breeding biology of sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus in the river Nida wetlands (Poland). Biologia 57: 617-625.
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Contact information:
Institute of Nature Conservation
Polish Academy of Sciences
Mickiewicza 33
31120 Krakow
tel: +48 609 440 104; +48 12 37 03 539
[email protected]