Rødliste 1997 over planter og dyr i Danmark (Red List 1997 of plants and animals in Denmark) (Danish)
Posted on Jun 14, 2019 Amphibians, Birds, Criteria System, Europe, Fish, Fungi and Lichens, Invertebrates, IUCN Categories and Criteria, Mammals, Multi-taxa Red Lists, Region, Reptiles, Taxon, Vascular Plants | Comments Off on Rødliste 1997 over planter og dyr i Danmark (Red List 1997 of plants and animals in Denmark) (Danish)
Stoltze, M. and Phil, S. (eds.) (1998) Rødliste 1997 over planter og dyr i Danmark (Red List 1997 of plants and animals in Denmark). Miljø- og Energiministeriet, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser og Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. (Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Environmental Research Institute, National Forest and Nature Agency).
The full publication can be accessed here.