Database statistics


Key database totals (updated: 08/10/2014):

No. of species accounts: 109,290
No. of unique species/subspecies or varieties: 74,697
No. of countries/regions: 76

Species coverage:
Vertebrates: 11,242 species assessments for 5,767 unique species
Invertebrates: 23,512 species assessments for 16,860 unique species
Plants: 53,525 species assessments for 39,039 unique species
Fungi: 10,762 species assessments for 5,994 unique species

Please note we are currently assigning higher taxonomy to the remainder of our species in the database.

Criteria Systems used by current data:
IUCN Categories and Criteria: 70.7%
Modified-IUCN: 11.3%
Non-IUCN: 18%

Of the assessments using IUCN Categories and Criteria,  67.6% use current IUCN 3.1 and 3.1% use pre-2001 IUCN system (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Criteria systems used by assessments