Methods – National Red Listing:
Gärdenfors U, Hilton-Taylor C, Mace GM & Rodríguez JP (2001) The application of IUCN Red List Criteria at regional levels. Conservation Biology 15, 1206-1212.
Keller V, Zbinden N, Schmid H & Volet B (2005) A case study in applying the IUCN Regional Guidelines for National Red Lists and justifications for their modification. Conservation Biology 19, 1827–1834.
Maes D, Decleer K, De Bruyn L & Hoffmann M (2011) Nieuwe Rode Lijstcategorieën en -criteria voor Vlaanderen Een aanpassing aan de internationale IUCN-standaarden. Natuur.focus 10, 54-61.
Raimondo DC, von Staden L & Donaldson JS (2013) Lessons from the conservation assessment of the South African megaflora. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 99, 221-230.
Regan TJ, Master LL & Hammerson GA (2004) Capturing expert knowledge for threatened species assessments: a case study using NatureServe conservation status ranks. Acta Oecologia 26, 95–107.
UICN France (2011). A Practical Guide for the Implementation of Regional Red Lists of Threatened Species – Methodology & Approach. Paris, France.
Methods – Red List Index (general):
Butchart SHM, Stattersfield AJ, Bennum LA, Shutes SM, Akçakaya HR, Baillie JEM, Stuart SN, Hilton-Taylor C & Mace GM (2004) Measuring global trends in the status of biodiversity: Red List Indices for birds. PLos Biology 2, e383.
Butchart SHM, Stattersfield AJ, Baillie J, Bennum LA, Stuart SN, Akçakaya HR, Hilton-Taylor C & Mace GM (2005) Using Red List Indices to measure progress towards the 2010 target and beyond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 360, 255-268.
Butchart SHM, AkçakayaHR, Chanson J, Baillie JEM, Collen B, Quader S, Turner WR, Amin R, Stuart SN & Hilton-Taylor C (2007) Improvements to the Red List Index. PLoSOne 2, e140.
Di Marco M, Boitani L, Mallon D, Hoffmann M, Iacucci A, Meijaard E, Visconti P, Schipper J & Rondinini C (2014) A retrospective evaluation of the global decline of carnivores and ungulates. Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12249.
Teucher A & Ramsay L (2013) Trends in the Status of Native Vertebrate Species in B.C. – Methods for adaptating the IUCN Red List Index to use NatureServe-style subnational status ranks. Environmental Reporting BC, Ministry of Environment, British Columbia, Canada.
Global analyses and viewpoints:
Azam C-S, Gigot G, Witte I & Schatz B (2016) National and subnational Red Lists in European and Mediterranean countries: current state and use for conservation. Endangered Species Research 30, 255-266.
Brito D, Ambal RG, Brooks T, De Silva N, Foster M, Hao W, Hilton-Taylor C, Paglia A, Rodríguez JP & Rodríguez JV (2010) How similar are national red lists and the IUCN Red List? Biological Conservation 143, 1154-1158.
Miller RM, Rodríguez JP, Aniskowicz-Fowler T, Bambaradeniya C, Boles R, Eaton MA, Gärdenfors U, Keller V, Molur S, Walker S & Pollock C (2006) Extinction Risk and Conservation Priorities. Science 313, 441.
Miller RM, Rodríguez JP, Aniskowicz-Fowler T, Bambaradeniya C, Boles R, Eaton MA, Gärdenfors U, Keller V, Molur S, Walker S & Pollock C (2007) National threatened species listing based on IUCN Criteria and regional guidelines: current status and future perspectives. Conservation Biology 21, 684-696.
Rodríguez JP (2008) National Red Lists: the largest global market for IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Endangered Species Research 6, 193-198.
Zamin TJ, Baillie JEM, Miller RM, Rodríguez JP, Ardid A & Collen B (2010) National Red Listing beyond the 2010 Target. Conservation Biology 24, 1012-1020.
Regional and national studies:
Avery M, Gibbons DW, Porter R, Tew T, Tucker G & Williams G (1995) Revising the British Red List for birds: the biological basis of U.K. conservation priorities. Ibis 137, S232–S239.
Baigún CRM, Colautti D, López HL, Van Damme PA & Reis RE (2012). Application of extinction risk and conservation criteria for assessing fish species in the lower La Plata River basin, South America. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22.2, 181-197.
Bauer HG (2003) Red-listing of birds in Germany. In: The harmonization of red lists for threatened species in Europe (Eds. De Iongh HH, Bánki OS, Bergmans W & van der Werff ten Bosch MJ), pp 149-157. The Netherlands Commission for International Nature Protection, Leiden.
Bennun LA, Njoroge P & Pomeroy D (2000) Birds to watch: a red data list for East Africa. Ostrich 71, 310–314.
Biserkov V & Gussev C (eds.) (2011) Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Volume 3: Natural Habitats. Joint edition of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia.
Bollmann K, Keller V, Müller W & Zbinden N (2002) Prioritäre Vogelarten für Artenförderungsprogramme in der Schweiz. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 99, 301–320.
Broughton DA & McAdam JH (2002) A red data list for the Falkland Islands vascular flora. Oryx 36, 279–287.
Collen B, Griffiths J, Friedmann Y, Rodríguez JP, Rojas-Suárez F & Baillie JEM (2013) Tracking change in national-level conservation status: National Red Lists. In: Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation: Bridging the Gap between Global Commitment and Local Action (Eds. Collen B, Pettorelli N, Baillie JEM & Durant SM). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
Cui P, Xu H, Wu J, Ding H, Cao M, Lu X, Yong F & Chen B (2014) Assessing the Red List Index for vertebrate species in China. Biodiversity Science 22, 589-595.
de Grammont PC & Cuarón AD (2006) An evaluation of threatened species categorization systems used on the American continent. Conservation Biology 20, 14–27.
Dunn EH, Hussell DJT & Welsh DA (1999) Priority setting tool applied to Canada’s landbirds based on concern and responsibility for species. Conservation Biology 13, 1404–1415.
Eaton M, Gregory RD, Noble DG, Robinson JA, Hughes J, Procter D, Brown AF & Gibbons DW (2005) Regional IUCN red-listing: the process as applied to birds in the United Kingdom. Conservation Biology 19, 1557–1570.
Foggi B, Viciani D, Baldini RM, Carta A & Guidi T (2014) Conservation assessment of the endemic plants of the Tuscan Archipelago, Italy. Oryx 49, 118-126.
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Giraudo, AR, Duré M, Schaefer E, Lescano JN, Etchepare E, Akmentins MS, Natale GS, Arzamendia V, Bellini G, Ghirardi R & Bonino M (2012) Review of the methodology used to categorize endangered species of herpetofauna in Argentina. Journal of Herpetology 26, 117-130.
Golding JS & Hurter PJH (2003) A red list account of Africa’s cycads and implications of considering life-history and threats. Biodiversity and Conservation 12, 507–528.
Grigera D & Ubeda C (2002) Una revisión de los trabajos sobre categorizaciones y prioridades de conservación de los vertebrados de Argentina. Ecología Austral 12, 163–174.
Greenbaum E & Komar O (2005) Threat assessment and conservation prioritization of the herpetofauna of El Salvador. Biodiversity and Conservation 14, 2377-2395.
Jenkins RKB, Tognelli MF, Bowles P, Cox N, Brown JL, Chan L, Andreone F, Andriamazava A, Andriantsimanarilafy RR, Anjeriniaina M, Bora P, Brady LD, Hantalalaina EF, Glaw F, Griffiths RA, Hilton-Taylor C, Hoffmann M, Katariya V, Rabibisoa NH, Rafanomezantsoa J, Rakotomalala D, Rakotondravony H, Rakotondrazafy NA, Ralambonirainy J, Ramanamanjato J-B, Randriamahazo H, Randrianantoandro JC, Randrianasolo HH, Randrianirina JE, Randrianizahana H, Raselimanana AP, Rasolohery A, Ratsoavina FM, Raxworthy CJ, Robsomanitrandrasana E, Rollande F, van Dijk PP, Yoder AD & Vences M (2014) Extinction risks and the conservation of Madagascar’s reptiles. PLoS One 9, e100173.
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Köppel C, Jansen F, Burton J, Schnittler M & Hirneisen N (2003) A statistical survey on European red lists. In: The harmonization of red lists for threatened species in Europe (Eds. De Iongh HH, Bánki OS, Bergmans W & van der Werff ten Bosch MJ), pp 59-75. The Netherlands Commission for International Nature Protection, Leiden.
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