We have now arrived at the very last part of the Nepalese Red List of Mammals project – the final publication.
I am now back in the UK to finish the project off, and hope that the publication is something that the Nepalese will be proud of. The contribution to the project from people across the conservation community in Nepal has been outstanding and Nepal is a country of such remarkable natural beauty and diversity in the people, wildlife and landscape, it is not a country to be visited just once but over and over again.
The good news is that it may well not be long before I do find myself back in Nepal…with the forthcoming completion of the mammals, it would only make sense to start doing the Nepalese Red List of Birds, right?! With almost four times as many species of birds than mammals (approx 865), it will be a big challenge but one we are more than ready to undertake with leading ornithological organisations such as BirdLife and BCN, Nepal’s top ornithologists.
Sam Lee is a Project Assistant on Nepal’s National Biodiversity Databank and Red List of Mammals. This is Sam’s final blog as the project draws successfully to a close. We’ll be adding the Nepalese Red List of Mammals to our database and library in the near future.