Nepal: National workshop preparations

Nepal: National workshop preparations

We are now in the final stages of the project. Preliminary species reports have been completed using all available information: literature searches, unpublished and published reports and personal communications with local scientists and field technicians. Now all that remains is to organise the national workshop to make the final and formal conservation assessments for Nepal Mammals! To help the workshop run more efficiently, participants and experts will be sent species reports ahead of the workshop and asked for their review and any further input. Additional information will be inserted into species reports ahead of the workshop, which should (in theory) reduce discussion time for each species so that the main effort will be on Red Listing. Needless to say this is a rather stressful period of the project…. One of the hardest aspects is trying to set a date and organising all the people you want, to be in one place at the same time – conservationists, ecologists and biologists are a hard bunch to pin down and my job would definitely be made easier if I could radio collar some of them as they are turning out to be quite the elusive species!

Sam Lee is a Project Assistant on Nepal’s National Biodiversity Databank and Red List of Mammals. She will be blogging regularly on the process, providing insights into the details of producing a National Red List