Country/Region: Global
Organisation: Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research (CBER), University College London
Position: Lecturer
Languages: English, Italian
Ben undertakes research focussed on understanding how changing environmental pressures result in faunal transformation over time, addressing how best to monitor biodiversity change, how to understand the nature of the winners and losers of those changes, and how to predict future outcomes. His research is broad, spanning the development of ecological theory, through to applied questions concerning the measurement, prediction, impacts and consequences of pressures on biodiversity.
Relevant publications:
Salafsky, N., Salzer, D., Stattersfield, A.J., Hilton-Taylor, C., Neugarten, R., Butchart, S.H.M., Collen, B., Cox, N., Master, L.L., O’Connor, S. and Wilkie, D. (2008) A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.00937.x
Collen B , McRae L, Kothari G, Mellor R, Daniel O, Greenwood A, Amin R, Holbrook S, & Baillie J (2008) 2010 & beyond: Rising to the biodiversity challenge, (eds J. Loh & S. Goldfinger). WWF, Gland, Switzerland.
Baillie JEM, Collen B, Amin R, Akçakaya HR, Butchart SHM, Brummitt N, Meagher TR, Ram M, Hilton-Taylor C, Mace GM (2008) Towards monitoring global biodiversity. Conservation Letters, 1: 18-26.
Collen B , Ram M, Zamin T, and McRae L (2008). The tropical biodiversity data gap: addressing disparity in global monitoring.Tropical Conservation Science Vol.1 (2):97-110. Available online:
Isaac NJB, Turvey ST, Collen B, Waterman C & Baillie JEM (2007) Mammals on the EDGE: Conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS ONE, 2(3): e296.
McRae L, Loh J, Collen B, Holbrook S, Latham J, Tranquilli S, & Baillie, J. (2007) A Living Planet Index for Canada, (ed. S. Mitchell). Living Planet Report for Canada, WWF Canada.
Butchart SNM, Akçakaya HR, Chanson J, Baillie JEM, Collen B, Quader S, Turner WR, Amin R, Stuart SN, Hilton-Taylor C. (2007)Corrections and improvements to the Red List Index. PLoS ONE 2(1): e140.
Loh J, Collen B, McRae L, Holbrook S, Amin R, Ram M, & Baillie J. (2006) Living Planet Index, (eds J. Loh & S. Goldfinger). Living Planet Report, WWF, Gland, Switzerland.
Collen, B ., Bykova, E., Ling, S., Millner-Gulland, E-J. & Purvis, A. (2006) Extinction risk: a comparative analysis of central Asian vertebrates. Biodiversity & Conservation, 15: 1859
Purvis, A., Cardillo, M., Grenyer, R. & Collen, B. (2005) Correlates of extinction risk: phylogeny, biology, threat and scale. Phylogeny and Conservation (ed. by A. Purvis, T. M. Brooks & J. L. Gittleman), CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
Collen, B ., Purvis, A. & Gittleman, J. L. (2004) Biological correlates of description date in carnivores and primates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 13: 459-467.
Related links:
Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research (UCL)
Contact information:
Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research (CBER), University College London
Medewar Building, 2nd Floor, Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Email: [email protected]