Caroline Pollock


Caroline Pollock









Country/Region: Global

Organization: International Union for Conservation of Nature

Position: Programme Officer – Red List Unit

Languages: English

Caroline is a key member of the team responsible for publishing and managing The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. Since 2000, she has played a central role in publishing regular updates of The IUCN Red List and has provided technical advice for many national Red List processes. Caroline has also developed and manages IUCN’s Red List training materials and resources, including the online IUCN Red List Training Course, opening up free Red List training to anyone with an internet connection. As a certified IUCN Red List Trainer, Caroline regularly facilitates IUCN Red List Training workshops around the world. She has also developed the IUCN Red List Trainers’ Course and is currently working on expanding the network of IUCN Red List Trainers to ensure high quality advice and training is available as widely as possible.


Relevant Publications:

Collen, B., Whitton, F., Dyer, E.E., Baillie, J.E.M., Cumberlidge, N., Darwall, W.R.T., Pollock, C., Richman, N.I., Soulsby, A.-M. & Böhm, M. (2013) Global patterns of freshwater species diversity, threat and endemism. Global Ecology and BiogeographyDOI: 10.1111/geb.12096

Hoffmann, M., Hilton-Taylor, C., Angulo, A., Böhm, M., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Carpenter, K.E., Chanson, J., Collen, B., Cox, N.A., Darwall, W.R.T., Dulvy, N.K., Harrison, L.R., Katariya, V., Pollock, C.M., Quader, S., Richman, N.I., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Tognelli, M.F., Vié, J.-C., Aguiar, J.M., Allen, D.J., Allen, G.R., Amori, G., Ananjeva, N.B., Andreone, F., Andrew, P., Ortiz, A.L.A., Baillie, J.E.M. et al. (2010) The impact of conservation on the status of the world’s vertebrates. Science 330: 1503-1509.

Miller, R.M., Rodríguez,  J.P., Aniskowicz-Fowler, T., Bambaradeniya, C., Boles, R., Eaton, M.A., Gärdenfors, U., Keller, V., Molur, S., Walker, S. and Pollock, C. 2007. National Threatened Species Listing Based on IUCN Criteria and Regional Guidelines: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Conservation Biology 21(3): 684–696.


Related Links:

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

IUCN Red List Training Course


Contact Information:

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Sheraton House, Castle Park

Cambridge CB3 0AX

Tel. 01223 370031