The National Red List database is a collection of national, sub-national and regional Red Lists from around the world. We are constantly working to improve the coverage of the database, particularly to make the data in older and hard-to-access assessments more publically available.
Access our searchable database here.
Before using these data, please note the following:
The Red List assessments of species stored in this database have been made using a variety of assessment methods, not only those recommended by IUCN (Red List Index: Guidelines for Regional and National Use). We will always list the assessment method if known, and where possible further information about that process used, detailing criteria definitions etc. We do not at any stage review the quality of assessments.
As long as you are a registered user of the site, you may download your search results as a csv file which is readable in Excel. You will be asked to register when you are downloading data from our database for the first time. Unfortunately searches greater than 100 records are not yet available for direct download; if you require a larger dataset, please contact us, and we will try to make it available to you.