The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is internationally recognised as the most respected and robust inventory of global conservation status of plants and animals. It provides a standard and repeatable method for assessing the extinction risk of a species around the world.
Regional and National Red Lists provide an equivalent method to assess species status at smaller spatial scales – at the local, national or regional level. In 2003, IUCN published guidelines to assess the conservation status of species at regional levels. Over 100 countries and regions have so far developed National and Regional Red Lists, and National Red Lists are becoming a valuable tool for planning and promoting conservation.
They can be valuable tools for:
Local, national or regional conservation planning
National-level biodiversity monitoring and biodiversity indicators
Measuring progress towards the CBD 2020 Aichi Targets
Click here to download a poster explaining more about the National Red List, first presented at a 2012 workshop in Nagoya.
Lyriocephalus scutatus, listed as Near Threatened on the 2007 National Red List of Sri Lanka. @ Ruchira Somaweera