In order to reach a wide audience, communication is vital – whether via official press releases, blogs or social media.
1. News releases:
News releases are issued with every IUCN Red List update, and these are often very well covered by news broadcasters and newspapers worldwide. Clearly for National Red Lists, the key audience is at the national level. Engaging with the national media to distribute the emerging messages from the National Red List process is therefore vital to create impact. Here, we link to a number of press releases issued as part of the National Red List process to give a flavour of the messages communicated.
Ireland: New publication highlights Irish species at risk of extinction
Europe: Developing the European Red List of Marine Fishes
Europe: Alarming decline in plants, molluscs and freshwater fish
North and Baltic Sea: Jede dritte Art in Nord- und Ostsee gefährdet (in German)
2. Blogs:
Blogs can provide a more informal way of engaging people in the global as well as National Red List process. For example, check out our blogs on the Nepal Red List process here. However, to be at their most effective, blogs need to be written regularly to keep interest amongst readers going. Contributing the odd blog to a blog site covering a number of different stories might be one way of getting around this – so if you have interesting stories, we are more than happy to add them under our network news and blogs page on the National Red List website. All you need to do is drop us a line at [email protected].
3. Social media:
We are always happy to hear about your latest national red list publications, and will try our best to publicise your work, both via the website and our twitter account (@NationalRedList – feel free to follow us!). All you need to do is drop us a line at [email protected].