The CAMP process


The Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP) process, developed by the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, is a rapid, broad, comprehensive and scientifically-informed assessment of the taxonomic groups of a region or country using the IUCN Red List criteria to categorise the level extinction risk facing species. It is unique in its ability to facilitate objective and systematic prioritization of research and management actions needed for species conservation.

The CAMP process itself is one of prioritization: by assembling a number of experts (usually between 10 to 40, including wildlife managers, SSC Specialist Group members, representatives of the academic community or private sector, researchers etc.), the process evaluates the threat status of all taxa in a broad taxonomic group, geographical region or a country. At the workshop, the most recent and relevant information is collated to help assign an IUCN Category of extinction risk, but the process goes even further and draws up management and research recommendations.

Using a database which provides a systematic method for recording the necessary data, the CAMP process compiles data on the status of populations and a species’ habitat in the wild as well as recommendations for intensive conservation action, and includes the documentation of the reasoning behind the recommendations, as well as details of other species-pertinent information.

The results of the initial CAMP workshops are reviewed by workshop participants and a broader audience which includes wildlife managers and regional zoo associations. Sometimes, follow-up workshops are required to further delve into particular issues highlighted during the preliminary workshop. Importantly, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of workshop recommendations and their effectiveness.

Click here to read about how the CAMP process was used to assess the extinction risk of South African mammals.