IUCN Bangladesh have been working on the project “Updating Species Red List of Bangladesh” since 2013. Yesterday, the project, which includes Red List assessments for birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fishes, crustaceans and butterflies, saw the launch of its website at www.iucnredlistbd.org. The launch was part of an event to celebrate 50 Years of the IUCN Red List.
Check out the website to find out more about the project, the Red Listing process adopted by Bangladesh, latest news and of course the Red List assessments themselves. Assessments are ongoing, but there are already a number of them published on the website.
As part of this project, IUCN Bangladesh has provided training to more than 100 assessors. Find out about the latest assessor training workshop, held in November 2014, in our blog.
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Thanks for your message, the Red Lists are available via http://www.iucnredlistbd.org/.